

for Research and Experimental
Development on Humanities and
Social Sciences
Harrington Centre for Research and Experimental Development on Humanities and Social Sciences. Logo 2
Speaking to the World and

Policy of Association

We are constantly working to foster cross-border cooperation among our affiliate scholars and develop international relations and partnerships with learned societies, research, education and art institutions, public and private organizations.


Speaking to the World and People

The activities of Harrington Centre revolve around two concepts: intellectual exchange and collaborative research.

Through this approach, we undertake projects aimed to advance the study of contemporary questions in humanities and social sciences, from methodological issues to applied and experimental research, and to develop strategies to increase visibility and engagement.

Our main Objectives

➢  To advance scholarly research and communication; to support and foster developmental study, research dissemination and publication.

➢  To circulate innovative ideas and results to both a wider specialised audience and the general public.

➢  To allow scholars engage with each other globally.

➢  To encourage creative discussions among disciplines.

➢  To promote intercultural dialogue and the values of humanity by easing engagement in debate and the free exchange of ideas.

➢  To raise awareness regarding present-day social problems and the importance of understanding and value each culture by itself.

➢  To increase academic and non-academic opportunities for our affiliates and partners.

a) Projects and Solutions for

Learned Societies and

• support for exchanging information and research results;

• strategies to promote the activities of our partner organizations;

• strategies to reach a broader audience and a visible online presence, including branding, marketing and promotion campaigns.

• assistance to initiate and run joint cross-border research projects;

• online tools to promote job offers for scholars

• research services, including statistics and database administration;

• support to initiate and organize conferences and symposiums, to circulate calls for papers, to find suitable  debate topics and keynote speakers, as well as to disseminate the results.

• teaching support;

• resources for new teaching strategies and curricular innovations;

• publishing solutions for textbooks.

• publishing programmes;

• joint publishing projects for collective volumes and conference proceedings;

• editorial and technical services for journals;

• digital communication tools to raise the discoverability of publications

• assistance to share research results with policymakers, businesses, not-for-profit organizations and other practitioners.

b) Projects and Solutions for

Affiliate members

• opportunities to share work and teaching experience between the members;

• assistance to initiate research projects, as well as for running the outgoing ones;

• solutions to disseminate research results at a worldwide level, within and beyond the academic community;

• access to information and offers from our partners, including conferences, collective publications, journals, workshops or fellowship opportunities;

• networking options with public and private organizations;

• opportunities for young scholars to learn from recognized specialists in the filed.


c) Projects and Solutions for

Private Companies

assistance to implement research programmes and projects;

strategies to explore new ways to apply research results beyond the academy;

• networking opportunities between companies and scholars;

• assistance for companies to contact specialists in the field.

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